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COVID-19 Info

Open with Care

We are pleased to announce that Miyuki has been fully vaccinated for COVID-19. We hope this extra layer of protection can put our patients' hearts at ease.  While we understand COVID measures are no longer mandatory in the province, please note all safety measures remain rigorously in place for our private practice to ensure our patients stay safe during their treatment.

Safety protocol:

  • COVID-19 screening & consent form - Before you come in, you will receive a health survey & consent  to fill out with your appointment reminder. Please fill it out before coming to our appointment. We require it to be filled out for every appointment.

  • Chaperone - While it is common for patients to bring family members to appointments, as to reduce exposure, we kindly ask to leave family members at home and come alone whenever their presence is not strictly required. This only differs if the patient is a minor, where one parent or guardian may need to be present or, someone who requires personal assistance.

  • Hand washing / sanitizing- We kindly ask you to please wash your hands and/or apply the available alcohol-based hand sanitiser once you arrive at the clinic. 

  • Face mask - To prevent any potential contamination or spread of respiratory droplets we require all patients to wear masks during their entire time at the practice. We kindly ask patients to bring their own preferred mask. Please note your mask should cover the nose and mouth.

  • Shoes - You may leave your shoes by the shoe tray in the reception, leave it in the changing room (reception can also provide a locker key) or bring it with you into the treatment room.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. By adhering to these guidelines, we can confidently and responsibly continue providing exceptional service to every member of our community.

While we understand the need for treatment, any patient having symptoms of the common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other infectious respiratory disease, have traveled on the past 14 days, have had a potential exposure, had a positive COVID-19 test in the last month/ waiting for the results of a test or are concerned, to contact us as soon as they can so we can work together on re-scheduling your treatment according to your needs and prioritize taking care of yourself. Call/text 604-446-2515, email or visit our booking site to cancel your appointment. Rest assured that late cancellation fees will be waived in those cases.

When rescheduling your appointment it must be delayed until 10 days from the onset of symptoms AND until symptoms resolve, whichever is longer.

Please also visit the BCCDC website for up-to-date information on self-assessment support and lab testing for COVID-19 . You will find other useful COVID-19 resources by calling 8-1-1 or visiting . If you have a chronic health condition, an informational handout can be found on the BCCDC website. We encourage patients to consult trusted sources such as BC Centre for Disease Control, Health Canada, and the World Health Organization. 

We appreciate all your efforts to keep yourself and others safe.

We wish you all the very best and thank you again for your ongoing support.

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