Miyuki has a Bachelor in Physiotherapy from the University of the State of Sao Paulo (UNESP) where she held two research scholarships. She later specialized in Osteopathy and Manual therapy at Instituto Docusse de Osteopatia e Terapia Manual in Sao Paulo, Brazil and post-graduated with a Master Degree in Osteopathy at the British School of Osteopathy (former University College of Osteopathy) in London, UK. In addition, Miyuki is a certified Pilates Instructor and regularly attends courses and conferences to provide the most updated service to her patients.
With more than 10 years of research and practice, Miyuki is known for treating complex patients that do not respond to conventional treatment.

Most insurance plans cover Osteopathy.
Although the BC MSP coverage does not include Osteopathy, various private insurance companies do provide coverage.
Please, check with your insurance provider for the specifics of your plan.